Blood Pressure Screening

Why Blood Pressure Check is done at MEDSCLINIC Pharmacy ?

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the leading causes of premature death in England and accounts for 1.6 million disability adjusted life years.

Hypertension is the biggest risk factor for CVD and is one of the top five risk factors for all premature death and disability in England.  An estimated 5.5 million people have undiagnosed hypertension across the country.

The NHS Long Term Plan commits the NHS to reducing morbidity and mortality due to CVD, tackling inequalities and a shift towards prevention strategies. It specifically states that community pharmacy, in collaboration with other providers, will provide opportunities for the public to check on their health through tests for high BP and other high-risk conditions.

In February 2019, as part of the Cardiovascular Disease Prevention System Leadership Forum, NHS England published new national ambitions for the detection and management of the high-risk conditions. The ambition for hypertension is that 80% of the expected number of people with high BP are detected by 2029, and that 80% of the population diagnosed with hypertension are treated to target. At the time of publication of the NHS Long Term Plan, NHS England and Public Health England estimated less than 60% of people with hypertension had been diagnosed.

How Does This Service Work at MEDSCLINIC Pharmacy?

  • This service is primarily aimed at individuals aged 40 and above who have not been diagnosed with hypertension.
  • The pharmacist will assess your blood pressure reading and, if necessary, refer you to your GP for further investigation or management of any blood pressure concerns.

You can also book an appointment to have your blood pressure checked at the pharmacy.
